We provide legal services to many foreign enterprises on structuring major investment projects and other transactions in a tax efficient way in the Republic of Lithuania.
We provide legal advice on the taxation of corporations, investment and real estate transactions, and transfer pricing and other issues in Lithuanian and international tax law. Our Law Firm possesses expertise in the interpretation of double tax treaties, preparation of tax opinions, and advising on capital remittance strategies, VAT, and corporate and other taxes of the Republic of Lithuania. When required, we litigate on behalf of our clients before the Commission on Tax Disputes under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (Mokestinių ginčų komisija prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės), Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (Vilniaus apygardos administracinis teismas), and Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Lietuvos Vyriausiasis Administracinis Teismas).