Effective Defense of Arbitration Agreements in Lithuanian Courts
8 Oct 2024
Successful protection of client's right to arbitrate in complex dispute
24 Feb 2012
On 23 February 2012 the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania has passed its Resolution Nr. 2S-3 concluding that a local entity named UAB “Plungės duona“ has violated the Law on Competition by refusing to render the information which is essential for the ongoing investigation on the request of an authorised officer of the Competition Council.
The Competition Council adjudged that in spite of the repeated inducements to pursue with the requirement to submit the information, UAB „Plungės duona“ refused to do so in the prescribed time limits without explaining the causes of such refusal. The information was requested on the 22 October 2010 and was not submitted to the Competition Council until the 24 October 2011.
In its Resolution the Competition Council specified that the failure to comply with the lawful requirements of the authorised officers of Competition Council poses a threat to the integrity of investigation and the effectiveness of the work of the Competition Council. Therefore, such actions shall be qualified as an interruption with the performance of investigation and the application of the Law on Competition, which constitutes a hazardous procedural violation of the requirements of the Law on Competition.
The fine imposed for the aforementioned violation amounted to 86,400 litas. This is the first time in the practice of the Competition Council when a fine was imposed for refusal to submit the information which is essential for the ongoing investigation.
Full text of the Resolution in Lithuanian language can be found here.
Šulija Partners Law Firm Vilnius, registered office Jogailos street 11, Vilnius, LT-01116, Lithuania, fax +370 52051926, e-mail: info@SulijaPartners.com
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